Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Keeping the Payload Safe

          To keep the egg from cracking I did couple things. For padding inside the tip of the rocket I used packaging foam used to protect fragile objects being transported.  I cut the foam into a shape that would snugly fit the inside of the plastic nose cone then added smaller scraps on the inside of the rocket to give the egg some room to move to lessen the force of the crash landing.  I think that to further ensure the safety of the egg, I could have put the egg inside of another smaller container to put in the nose cone with padding around both the egg and the container to really make that egg safe.
          In addition to the padding around the egg, I made the top nose cone (which goes on top of the plastic cone holding the egg) with regular printer paper so that it crumples on the impact of landing and inside the paper cone I put in more scraps of packaging foam to help decrease the force exerted on the egg during the crash.

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