Wednesday, January 9, 2013


1st Launch (Practice Launch 12/19/2012):
-Launch angle: 30 degrees
-Water amount: 570 mL
-Pressure: 80 psi.
-Distance: 101.5m

The only thing that was unsatisfactory in that launch was that the egg was cracked, and when I say cracked I mean like the egg looks intact but you can see some cracks lining the shell and yellow yoke leaking out.  and compared to the other eggs in the other rockets mine was pretty good.  In the other rockets you couldn't even tell where the egg shell was when they opened it.  It just looked like bags of egg yoke.

2nd Launch (Practice Launch 1/10/2013):
-Launch angle: 35 degrees
-Water amount: 570 mL
-Pressure: 80 psi.
-Distance: 84m

The wind messed with the rocket flight path because the rocket was shot straight into the wind and that resulted in the short distance. The egg still broke too.

3rd Launch (Final Launch 1/15/2013):
-Launch angle: 30 degrees
-Water amount: 570 mL
-Pressure: 80 psi.
-Distance: 110m

It went further than the previous launches but the egg didn't survive.
I think the reason it didn't survive was because there wasn't enough reinforcement in the tip where the egg goes.

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